27 June 2011

Tak sabar menunggu November


Sangat tidak sabar untuk menunggu kehadiran November! FYI, aku memang kipas-susah-mati untuk twilight saga. I read all the novels from this series. Aku sangat2 menunggukan Breaking Dawn the movie ni. Dan sesungguhnya BD is definitely my favorite from the series.  So aku sangat pelik bila aku dapat tahu ramai yang tak suka BD. For me, BD is my favorite because:

  • Dalam novel ni Bella kahwin dengan Edward. Such a beautiful wedding. And to make it a surprise for Edward, Alice have to control her thought whenever she is near with Edward. So that Edward tak kan dapat gambaran wedding dress Bella yang Alice design. According to the book, Bella is looking so gorgeous in her wedding dress.
  • Bella is having a hard time during her pregnancy time. The Cullens are clueless about the nature of the baby. Kita rasa sangat curious about the baby because it is not a normal baby.The baby is half human and half vampire.
  • Bella's life after she became a vampire is very interesting. She learn how to hunt, how to act like a normal human, and how to control her power.
  • In BD, in order to 'stand' against the Volturri, the Cullens kumpulkan semua kenalan diorang untuk dapatkan support and other vampires can be their witnesses. So, kita akan jumpa banyak karakter-karakter vampire yang menarik dan mempunyai kuasa yang unik. Termasuk Bella.
Banyak lagi point-point menarik yang boleh aku fikirkan kenapa BD is my favorite book untuk Twilight series ni. Plus, BD is the thickest book among other Twilight series novel. The book is divided into 3 sub-books. Book 1 is about Bella marrying Edward, and how she discovered that she is pregnant. Book 2 is written from Jacob Black's perspectives. Book 2 is about the pregnancy of Bella right through to the birth of her child. Book 3 reverts back to Bella's point of view, continuing her story as an excited newborn vampire who enjoys all the abilities it brings.

I really hope that Stephenie Meyer akan sambung siri ni. Another book after BD. Walaupon dia dah kata BD is the last book for this series, I really hopes that she will change her mind. Kalau dia tak ada idea, my sis ada idea for the perfect ending of the series. Walaupon idea dia a lil bit crazy, tapi quite interesting. I'll share with you later..So Here if you want to read more on BD summary.

Owh. Have you watch the Breaking Dawn trailer? 



  1. bui pun sangat falling in love dgn cerita ni..bln 11 yer..yesss..tak sabar nya

  2. sangat tak sabar kan..tapi lamanyer lagi november...huhu..
